Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Post Overload

I am quite behind on posts. I have decided to once again make this blog public and just not post certain details about our lives. Of course, I'm still fairly open about things, but I will just have to be careful what I post about Matt's trainings etc.

It was getting to be too much to try to write a separate Army blog. So it will once again be included here. For the sake of a record (my OCD side coming out) I am going to copy and paste the relevant posts from that blog to here with the label of "Army". So there will be some old posts about to pop up. Then I will try to catch up on the blog posts that need to be written: travel plans, Matt's BCT graduation, Jackson turning 34 weeks.

Happy reading.


Scratch that. I just went back and looked at all the posts I will need to copy over. So we're just going to link them here and if someone clicks on "Army" on the right they can link back to that blog to read. Lots of good info and I'm sure I'll go back to read those posts someday to remember what it was like when we were just starting out.


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