Today is Saturday. Really?
So much to do in so little time. That seems to be the complaint of so many of my peers. Let me tell you, I truly have so much to do in so little time! I am not complaining though. So far, the pressure of it all hasn't truly hit me. I had one mini-meltdown in the office the day after Matt found out he would be leaving early. Other than that? Business as usual.
I have begun packing. It is frustrating because my house looks like it's been turned upside down and shaken. Again, common theme of those who are in the moving process. For every box or bin that I pack I think to myself, "Good job, Becca! One less box of clutter to deal with!"... then I turn around and see the piles of trash, things to sell, things to donate, and things left to pack. Chaos!
I truly am so thankful we no longer have the cats. I know! It surprises me too. It was such a blessing to find a home for them so quickly. I haven't had much follow up contact with their new owners, but I think it's better that way. It would be so stressful trying to pack with them scampering around. Plus I don't know what I'd do with them as my parents would not allow them in their house. So thankful we don't have to deal with that headache on top of everything else.
We bought some plastic bins to pack our clothes in. I figure we'll get plenty of use out of these bins in the years to come. Matt's sister and her husband (also in the Army) have moved four times in the six years they've been married. So these $5 bins will get lots of use, I'm sure. We may invest in more before this move is completed! You can fit a lot in those nifty little bins! Plus, the ones I got are pretty purple and green. Pretty colors make moving so much more fun. I fit most of my winter wardrobe (not including coats/blazers) into two of these bins. Yes, I did fill up one bag to sell or donate already. There's another pile on the floor waiting to be put in a bag to go also. I know, I know. Way too many clothes. But I like them all, wear them all, and they're in good condition. I have to put my dresses/skirts away and then sort through my summer clothes to start packing those away. Then deal with Matt's clothes. Baby got a bin of his own, it's in the shape of a pirate chest. Adorable!
Books. Sigh. I'll be leaving many of my books behind. It's sad that it doesn't really look like it's making a dent... but I have quite the pile already. I haven't even sorted through my bookshelf upstairs yet. Books are heavy. One box is full of my Harvard Classic Collection... but I think I'll need to move those around and put them in two boxes mixed with something else more lightweight. The art of moving.
I've been selling a lot. I am a member of the Lynchburg Online Yard Sale on facebook. While there is a lot of drama that goes on through this page, it has been such a blessing so far! I have been able to list many items and seen a good return so far! As we get closer to moving day I'll be selling some more of our furniture. We sold our loveseat already, but it's being picked up after Labor Day. We met someone today to have the car inspected for a possible sale. The couple is discussing it and coming to us tomorrow or Monday with an offer. We're not too worried about the car selling though. I'm trying to let go from as much as possible. So much unnecessary!
Jackson has been such a great baby through all of this. He has been sleeping for longer chunks at night and napping regularly during the day. He can occupy himself for awhile, but of course, still wants to be snuggled sometimes. I have his old jumper upstairs and bought him a jumperoo (which I thought we didn't need but now am SO glad we have) for downstairs. I'll bring both of them to my parents and keep one on each floor also. So much easier this way. He loves his jumperoo! He loves all the gizmos around it and loves when we help him jump. Soon he'll learn to do that himself! It truly is such a blessing to have a well behaved, low key baby. I don't know how I'd stay sane while trying to pack if he was an overly needy baby.
From here on out I'm expecting my days to be long. Tomorrow we're having a family photo shoot with my photographer friend (I planned to do a shoot when Jack could sit up on his own, but I want pictures before Matt leaves), church, then I'm meeting with some women to exchange my items for sale. Then home for more packing! This next week I have my last week in the office. I chose to use my accrued sick/vacation days after Matt leaves so I can have one more paycheck. I wish I had enough to take this next week off too so we could spend it together. But we have good quality time together in the evenings. Then we'll have Labor Day weekend which will be busy with more packing and lots of time together as a family before Daddy leaves.
He'll leave and I'll let myself just snuggle my baby that day. I'll need to go back to the office on my last official day on payroll. Then I'll have just one more week until the moving truck arrives and we get ready to pull out. It all seems so fast. Well, it is fast.
I am learning to make time. I am learning to make time to pack. To make time to post things online for sale. To make time to go get my car fixed since it's been squealing something awful. I am learning to make time for my baby. To make time with my family. To make time with my husband- which is especially challenging with a baby involved. Time is getting away from me. How is is already almost time for him to leave? But I push on. That's all I can do.