Friday, July 13, 2012

Household purchases

You know you have reached adulthood when you are excited about household purchases. No, not decor or even furniture; but rather appliances or hardware.

Behold, the newest addition to the Iveson household. The Kenmore Intuition 31810 Upright Bagged Vacuum. We were able to snag this baby on sale for $100 less than normal retail. Matt and I know nothing about vacuums, but he knew he wanted an upright (even though I've heard canister is the way to go) with attachments for corners and stairs. I looked for something that said it worked well with pet dander and hair. We chose two that were around the same price and the sales rep said this one was the better vacuum and would probably more than cover our current needs.

Matt used it for the first time the other day and said he actually giggled. He has been disgusted at our dirty carpets for quite awhile and this vacuum did such a great job capturing all the dirt, cat hair, and everything else that has accumulated. I have yet to use it, but I'm sure I'll like it too. It's a bit heavy, but we needed something more heavy duty.

We used to have this rinky-dinky vacuum that was a gift for our wedding. I had registered for it as our old apartment had all hard wood floors (so nice!) so we didn't need anything too fancy. That vacuum did well at that apartment and has done ok at our townhouse. It has lasted the first four years of our marriage, but it was time for an upgrade. Especially with Jack playing on the floor (and someday all too soon crawling around on the floor!) and all we wanted to be sure it was nice and clean. A nice feature on the Kenmore vacuum, on the base there's a portion that says "dirty/clean" and it lights up dirty until that portion of the carpet is clean. It senses the dirt. So convenient- and keeps us from being lazy and only surface cleaning.

So yes, we are a couple hundred dollars poorer... but this will certainly be a worthwhile investment. If it lasts us the next four years of our marriage then I'll consider it money well spent. By that time we should be able to afford a much nicer vacuum that makes our home look brand new after each use!