Sunday, November 20, 2011

When it rains... it pours

Yeah, it's been raining bad news in the Iveson house lately.
We found out Friday that Matthew was not selected for Officer Candidate School.
There was one spot reserved for the Roanoke office... and no one was selected.
Matt's recruiter was very surprised he was not selected.
So we're taking this is a sign.
Matt thinks that he's supposed to be there for me during the third trimester and birth.
Yes, that does sound nice... not having to do the birthing process alone.
However, I am very disappointed and sad for Matt that he was not selected.
We're reviewing options right now- interesting trying to figure out the future with a baby on board!

Second string of bad news, I did very poorly on my test.
This is my last Master's class... and I bombed my midterm.
I emailed the professor about the questions I got wrong with my reasons for my answers.
Maybe that will help.
I'm still getting an A in the class... and I have two papers that are worth more than the test to turn in before the class is over...
But it's still disappointing.

Third bit of bad news: I'm trying to cut costs on baby gear.
I may decide to sell my Quinny tram because it's not really necessary and takes up a lot of space.
I re-registered for a bunch of stuff that I actually think I like better but that is lower priced than my originals.
The only difficulty I am encountering is the stroller.
Right now I registered for the carseat I am going to get, a snap and go, an umbrella stroller, and a jogging stroller.
I figure I have some time to decide which route I'll actually go.
But I found a jogging stroller that I love... so we'll see.
Maybe someone will buy it for me and I won't have to worry about it.

Sigh. Please pray for direction for Matt and I as we determine our course of action from here on out.
We have a few options we're toying with but unfortunately those options do not give us immediate answers.
Most involve at least half a year of waiting... possibly another full year.
Again... sigh.
God is in control, of this I am sure.
Sometimes the waiting/ trusting is just the worst!

Good News: Baby Gender Reveal tomorrow and party tomorrow night! Woot!

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