Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Life of Pi

I finished the The Life of Pi this weekend. The whole time I was reading it I couldn't understand why everyone was saying it was their favorite book. Yes, it was interesting. Yes, it kept my attention. But to be on the favorites list? Really?

And then I got to the last six chapters. Chapters 95-100 are really what make this book. If you appreciate literature the story it self should hold your attention. But just in case it doesn't, do NOT read the ending first. DO read the entire thing. You will not disappointed.

"You want a story without animals."

The pivotal point.

Genius. Pure genius. No, it doesn't make my list of favorites. But I will recommend it to others. The true climax is at the end of the story, as it should be. I always hated in lit class how the climax would supposedly be in the middle of the story. Not true. The story itself is enough to keep the audience interested... but then, oh then. Genius.

So yes, read it.

Richard Parker.

Or one of his cousins. At the San Diego Zoo. April 2010.

I was a fool and didn't take my EOS. Just my point and shoot. Ah well, it still turned out lovely.

Read it!

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