Saturday, February 05, 2011


This is the first weekend my hubband and I have both had off work entirely in... months! For while the only weekend he had off for the month... I had to work. Now my office is back on a 3-week rotation for weekends so I am finally able to enjoy a nice weekend with Matthew!

The downside: we discovered that weekends together may not be such a good thing! Why? We spend entirely too much money when we are together! Granted, we have it to spare thankfully, but still. Impulsive.

Our schedule today: Wake up. Go to the gym for 2 hours. Yeah, when we go to the gym together we stay for an entire 2 hours! We both occupy ourselves for that entire time! Amazing. I will brag about my husband in a moment. But we got home and got "ready" for the day. It was rainy and dreary, so instead of wearing something cutesy I went more casual, comfortable. We went to lunch at Panera, my favorite. We don't go there often because Matthew doesn't particularly care for it much. Crazy, I know. But today was definitely a soup sort of day. From there we headed to the mall. Matthew got birthday money (his birthday was in November...) for some new running shoes. We found a pair we both liked but they didn't have any in his size... in any of the Foot Lockers around the country or the warehouse! It was a full priced shoe also but the rep said they probably wouldn't be getting anymore. Stink. Well, we found some similar shoes that were almost the same... and $40 cheaper. So it turned out not to be so bad. We then headed to American Eagle to outfit Matthew. Yes, American Eagle. Cringe. I don't particular care for this store. I did in high school, but not so much now. However, Matthew needed new polos for work as most of his are too small or have holes in them. I suppose for men's polos the brand isn't so bad. We got him a white polo, a dark reddish polo, and a grey polo. He will look very handsome. I picked up two white camis. They have the elastic straps so they don't stand out so much under Tees! I got a scoop neck and a v neck. I have three white camis from Gap... that are years old... and all have holes! I haven't replaced them because I haven't found any that had the elastic straps! Maybe I have been wrong about AE all this time! Probably not, though.

Time for a new paragraph. Continuing the schedule. We went to Barnes and Noble to try to find The Scarlet Pimpernel on DVD. Fail. Bummer, dude. I suppose I'll have to order it from somewhere. I did manage to buy two books. The Alchemist and East of Eden. I wanted to buy some Dickens but my Aunt is sending me the Harvard Classics set... and I don't know if any Dickens will be included. AS I wrote that I looked up the set online. I'm not sure which of the two sets it is... but I'm pretty sure it's the 51 volume set. So, no Dickens. But a lot of other good stuff! Only a few that I currently own! Thankfully, the works of those authors that I own are separate than the works included in the set. Apparently the books are beautiful and they first belonged to my great-grandparents, were passed down to my grandpa, and then to my aunt, and now to me. Amazing. I am so excited! So The Alchemist and East of Eden for now. The bookshelf we bought to accommodate my books... full. I barely have room to fit these stacked on top of my previous books! Time for a third bookshelf, me thinks. Maybe I'll put it in the guest room. That room looks so bare! Matthew also bought two Calvin and Hobbes books. I had one from childhood. I used to have three... not sure where the other two went. Oh well. We love us some Calvin and Hobbes!

We then went to Sweet Frog for frozen yogurt. Lovely and tasty and light.

Home for nap time. Homework for my (5 page paper) and video games for Matt. Dinner. Now just bumming around.

Yes, entirely too much money spent today. But we're happy and we love to spoil each other!

It has been a wonderful Saturday and I am so excited to be able to spend all of Sunday with my hubband as well!

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