Thursday, October 14, 2010

Feels like Monday

It feels like Monday. It felt like Monday on Wednesday also. It still feels like Monday. Now, most of your would think it wouldn't be so bad for it to feel like Monday and actually be Thursday... but it is. I have to work the evening shift tomorrow and i have to work Saturday. So it really, really feels like Monday. Tomorrow I also need to stop by the store to pick up some potato salad before work. We're having a surprise Boss Day appreciation potluck. Should be fun... but I don't know why I volunteered for potato salad. Of all things.

Project is finished and submitted. Hope I didn't do anything stupid and submit the wrong thing. At this point, I don't even care. It is done. Now all I have to do is my Annotated Bibliography, read two chapters of my textbook, and take a quiz for my other class before Sunday. And I have to work Saturday. Excellent. At least one class is over. I decided to just take two classes next semester. My remaining classes have much more work involved and with the possibilities Matt and I might be facing for the end of the spring semester I just don't think the added stress of classes would help.

I was feeling kind of sad the past two days. No reason in particular. Work didn't seem to go one for hours and hours, which was a blessing. I didn't have any irate students to work with... well, I did but I don't remember them at least. I've gotten everything done that I've needed to so far. But I just felt sad for no reason. So I went shopping. To make a long story short... success! I've been looking for a new watch pretty much since we've been married. I thought I wanted a skeleton watch but the only women's ones I could find had diamonds around the face. My old watch had diamonds around the face and I decided I didn't really like that. Too much. So I kept looking. I finally found the perfect watch for me! It was at Macy's. The saleswoman was shadowing me and giving me the evil eye. I looked at the sale watches first and when I asked if they had any other colors than the ones displayed she said with attitude, "Not on sale!" Umm, did I ask for sale options only? Went to the display cases. Found the same one in a much better color. I now own an Anne Klein ladies watch! It has a huge face, literally the entire width of my wrist. The face is white and the band is white leather. The hardware is gold and beautiful, not chintzy. The strap is thinner but it looks good with the large face. I love it! Matthew loves it too. Perfection. Makes me very happy indeed.

Sigh. I was taking a nap after work because I was so tired. I work up and figured I should turn in my assignment now while the internet was working just in case it didn't work when I got off work tomorrow. Now I'm slightly more awake than I was so I may try to read at least one chapter out of my textbook. I just want to go back to bed. Please let tomorrow feel like anything other than Monday!

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