Friday, July 23, 2010

wasted week... lonnng weekend

I completely wasted this week homework wise. I have read pleasure books, watched FRIENDS, watched Gilmore Girls, napped, and done practically everything besides do my homework. That means tomorrow I'll have to do it all. I wanted to go to the Natural Bridge or Charlottesville tomorrow since Matt is off work. Oh well. We both have to do an Ethics in Action assignment where we watch a few videos posted online and answer some questions about the situations, an annotated bibliography on our 12 articles for our research papers, and read two chapters out of our text books and take a quiz. Sigh. I should not procrastinate. I will have a busier fall semester so I need to stay on top of things better.

Doing homework on a weekend isn't my idea of rest. Oh well. At least I won't be on the phone with students who don't know how to work a computer, let alone the internet, and are somehow thinking online schooling is for them. Yes, the weekend will be nice. Homework homework homework.

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