Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Today was another good day. I went for a jog and then stretched and did some abs for awhile. I've found that jogging is easier for me than running. I can go for longer, which is more important than going farther. I usually end up going farther anyways, it just doesn't seem like it since I don't go there very quickly. I usually try to run one mile as fast as I can. But if I focus on running for 10 minutes or 20 minutes, I may not get a fast mile, but I'll end up with more than a mile. So it's worth it, I think.

I'm finishing up my programs. I'm printing the rest of the stack then I'm gonna tackle the rest of the cutting it up. I really do love our programs. I'm so grateful for creativity and inspiration. And I also ordered my sparklers today for when we leave the reception! We got the go ahead from the reception site. Yay!

Well, my movie is back on. I'm watching Wimbledon on ABC family. It makes me really miss playing tennis. I should have kept going. Oh well. I can at least play for fun now.

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