Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Well, I have yet to hear about the job. I talked all the options over with my dad for awhile and he still seems to think I should pursue something at Liberty so I can get my Masters right away. I think he's a bit discouraged that I'm even close to obtaining another job that will postpone my graduate studies. I'm in now hurry though. If this preschool position works out it will be very good. I'll be employed, have income, have a set schedule, and will be gaining good experience for a wide variety of professions I can enter with my degree. I can wait another year to obtain my Masters. It will all work out for the best. If the preschool position doesn't work out, then I suppose I will still be happy and so will my dad. I'll go back to Liberty and apply in a few different departments and then hopefully begin my graduate work. I do miss schoolwork and I am looking forward to the classes I will be taking for my program. It is a well set up program and has a variety of classes in counseling, ethics, and marriage and family development. The only problem being: I have recently discovered that I have a new idea of my career aspirations. I used to want to be an editor for a newspaper or magazine of the highest order. I began my studies in journalism to get a head start. I then realized what a diseased field that is and decided to go the social work route. While I am still interested in adoptions and social services as a whole, I also am beginning to think I didn't think the whole editor-ship through. How could I have forgotten books and publishing? I could get my Masters in English easy enough and still pursue the field of publishing... but Liberty's degree is residential studies only. I don't have the time to try to work and go to school fulltime and be a housewife. I've looked into a variety of online programs but there would be no tuition assistance so that all is a rather moot point. I guess I just wasn't planning ahead enough. I'll be perfectly happy in a social service setting. I do well with people and enjoy talking and listening to them. I could easily be a counselor at a Christian service office or a school or church. I will still have a wide field of career possibility. Maybe someday I'll still be able to pursue an editor position at some publishing house.

My fishy friend, Simon has been a very nice edition to our home. He sat on the coffee table yesterday but I have since moved him on to my desk next to me. He is so beautiful and active. He swims around his bowl more frequently than any other betta I have ever owned. The others seemed more subdued since they were used to being in a smaller cup at the pet store. I feel sorry for the bettas on the shelves at the store. Such miserable existence. The only problem with Simon is he's very timid. He's afraid of any sudden movements outside of his bowl. Some of the other fish I've had have been interested in movement or even followed my finger around the bowl! I know I've only had Simon one day, maybe he'll become more domesticated with time. I hope so. He as the potential to be the prettiest betta I've ever owned. I'm thinking about getting a bright pink one and maybe a red one to put in various shaped and sized vases next to Simon. It would be so pretty a set up and he could then have some friends. I wish bettas could be put in the same bowl together. What a beautiful school that would be. All different colors with such glorious fins.

I finished Children of the Mind. I enjoyed the book, although not as much as the previous. The ending wasn't quite to my satisfaction. But it's Card's world, he can do whatever he wants. I am merely a consumer. I will still read the last few books regardless. I hear they are about Bean, who is my second favorite Ender character. Matthew and I want to have two german shepherds someday to be named Ender and Valentine. I want a little kitten to name Bean. It fits I think. So hopefully I will be more pleased with Bean and his adventures than in the ending of Ender's.

I also finished Emma. My first official Jane Austen novel. I've started pretty much all of hers before but was always persuaded to watch the films instead. When I was younger I didn't have as much patience in books as I now have. Nor the appreciation. I still have yet to finish the Return of the King of the Lord of the Rings trilogy! I thoroughly enjoyed Emma though and have added it to my list of favorites. I have always liked Emma. She and I have a lot of similarities. We were both dubbed match makers, my junior year of high school I was named the second best match maker in the school! Second only to a meddlesome teacher. I rather enjoyed match making, but it did sadden me to make the most perfect matches (for a time) for all the boys I secretly, or not so secretly, admired myself. But in the end I found my Mr. Knightly, or rather, my Mr. Iveson! There was even a Harriet of sorts in our tale. Although, he was rather more inclined in my case than in the novels. It all worked out for the best though. All involved are now happily married and we wish them all the best.

I am now beginning a book given us as a wedding present. It is "Sacred Sex" and I am only a few pages into in and so far do not recommend it. It has a lot of pages to redeem itself and I may change my opinion, but for now I don't find much pleasure in the direction of the book. Maybe I should put it aside for a few years and return to it when I am a bit more seasoned myself. I believe it is a good effort that the Christian world needs, but for me right now it is unnecessary. I would much rather find another novel to read. But I would much much rather be so occupied with my time that I do not finish a Jane Austen in three short days.

I am off to either find a more enjoyable read or finish The Two Towers DVD. I watched The Fellowship of the Ring yesterday and meant to watch the second today. But I just don't care so much for it. I only wanted to watch The Return of the King in the first place and thought it would only do it proper justice to watch the first two prior. Now I know that it is unnecessary.

Good evening,
Rebecca Iveson

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