Thursday, March 13, 2008

It is officially spring break. My last spring break of college. My last spring break as a single woman (non-married that is). And what am I doing? I'm truckin' it home to cold Michigan where the sun doesn't shine until late April. Yes, I made the right choice. I just watched the Spring Break episode of Gilmore Girls... and I kinda wish I had one spring break like that. Minus the lewd men all around and the getting drunk and the kissing a girl. I mean, cute bikinis with my friends, lots of sunshine, lots of partying... Liberty style. You don't think we have fun, but we really do. And I love it. So basically last spring break... with a little more typicality in it. Which never would have happened anyways... but this is so far from. I'll probably don my bikini sometime during the chill just for the sake of everything spring break. Silly, I know. But it is my senior spring break. I guess I can't complain. Israel my first college spring break. Florida with my amazing friends last spring break. I'm the one who cut my college experience a year short. If I hadn't, this spring break would be in England as I studying at Oxford... but I also wouldn't be getting married in 86 days!

86 days. That is so far... but so soon! I have so much to do between now and then. But it all has to be done at certain times. Aggravating. I wish I could just get it all done now. Ah well. One of my friends, Kaylene, is getting married the same day as me (it also happens to be her birthday!). We have been comparing wedding notes and complaining to each other about our wedding woes. It has been a splendid time. I am so glad I met her. I think we'll be able to keep in contact even after we graduate in May. Which will be nice. We're both going for the same Master's program next year and we'll probably both be working at Liberty. So I hope to see her around. Just today Kaylene and I were talking about how we both have busy spring breaks with wedding plans. It will be so much fun though. I get to try on my dress and it is finally completely altered and hemmed and ready for wear.

So I have a long drive by myself tomorrow. I admit, I am a little bit nervous. I have made the drive completely on my own once... as in I was the only one driving the entire time. But I was following someone so it made directions a whole lot easier and just in case of accident or something, there was someone else there to be sure I was ok and to know where I was and to alert my parents. No Pastor Doug and family to watch over me this time. Ah well, I suppose I am blessed to have to make this journey only twice on my own in my whole college career (up to Michigan and back down again... 2 times). I hope to get a lot of sleep though. I am thoroughly exhausted now so I hope to go to bed right away and not wake up again until tomorrow morning. If my roommates so allow. They have both been signing out to the c lab since it's open all night this week. A huge blessing in and of itself. I plan on thanking them by note tomorrow when I'm leaving.

I've packed enough clothes for a month I think. I know, I'm a crazy woman. Well, what can I say? I like having options and I like my wardrobe!

Cheerio until tomorrow night.

Sweet dreams and a sweet beginning to my last spring break as an undergrad student.


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